Are You Facing a Problem in Solving Math Questions? Have Math Online Classes Become a Difficulty for You?
Global Link Education has a solution for your problem. Global Link Education offers Math online classes. Our video-based, web-supported lessons will help you learn Math according to your time zone with ease. Our Maths course will help you in Exam preparation to enhance your Math grade. Get help in Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, or stats.
Why take math online classes?
Are you stuck watching boring math videos and still cannot solve the queries? What a brilliant idea: reworking some of the world’s most renowned unsolved math problems into principles that basic and secondary school children can comprehend. Engaging tomorrow’s great mathematicians!
Maths is not a subject to memorize; it is a subject to practice. You’ll become excellent at it the often you practice. We use easy-to-understand language and methodology so that anyone can understand.
Our interactive maths online classes have built-in practice Questions. As you start learning with us
our automated system evaluates your progress and indicates the area of your weakness. We Learning management system enables us to provide each student with tailored learning and individual attention. Our courses come with online smart practice exams that help you know your progress. Our automated course module will take you to the next step with more advanced material when you clear a smart paper. Once you are on board with us, you will get immediate access to our resources like study material, online lectures, etc.
Global Link Education provides you personalized assessment plan tailored specifically for you. We aim to promote the beauty of Mathematics at every level. Explore our courses from KG grade to O/A levels.
Solving Word Problems
Take the example of this scenario: Your kids have done an outstanding job with calculating tasks involving addition and subtraction.
Students may be uncomfortable or unable to answer word problems for various reasons. Reading comprehension, pupils not reading the complete problem. Low confidence, a lack of mathematical vocabulary, poorly worded issues, and a lack of instructional time spent on word problems are some reasons.
Solving word problems effectively is a crucial ability that aids in the development of transferable cross-curricular skills and problem-solving skills for the real world
We realize that not every student is the same capacity for learning. We can instruct our students in a variety of approaches and can educate your kids on how to solve word problems by teaching them strategies. You must, however, encourage your kids to persevere in solving word problems. Education provides students frequent opportunities to practice problem-solving skills. Modeling problem-solving skills is also beneficial.
It’s also beneficial to demonstrate problem-solving skills throughout the class
As we finish an exemplar for your pupils, video lectures about thought processes are also available. We represent the mental process behind selecting and using problem-solving approaches, just as we model how to accomplish computations. Students will learn to select and apply techniques to complete the steps of a word problem.
We can offer our pupils problem-solving skills to help them overcome the difficulties of solving word problems as their academic advisor. This will also assist your kids in building problem-solving abilities that will benefit them both inside and outside of the classroom.
We offer high-quality assignments that will test, stimulate, and interest students of all ages. There are several curricular mapping tools available that explain how well these puzzles and exercises fit into the framework, making even the most boring subjects more interesting. Not only that but there are several excellent articles intended explicitly for teachers, some of which provide advice and others. That presents novel perspectives on themes. Brilliant!
Other Resources
In our course, there are some very outstanding resources accessible for all of Key Stages 3 and 4. All tools are categorized, and the GCSE “Special” level. Resources are undoubtedly appropriate for A/S Level students. Who require reinforcement of algebraic and geometric principles.
Each unit comes with many resources, including examples, notes, and practice tools. By providing rich assignments and mini-projects, the “Activities” sections are especially beneficial in preparing pupils for the requirements of the new GCSE.
You need to register for Global Link online Maths classes before you can download them. Here are some examples of the types of resources available in each topic area:
Student Practice Book: textbook-style assignments with notes, examples, and answers appropriate for students of all abilities.
Activities – extensive task, project, puzzle, and group work ideas, replete with comments and solutions
Lesson Plans: A high-level overview of the subject covered during the series of lessons.
Mental Tests: Mental Tests are a group of differentiated cognitive questions about a subject that are used to swiftly test and integrate learning.
Downloadable: Downloadable overhead presentations are utilized in the teaching of the topic.
Live Sessions: Live sessions take place so that students can easily study and comprehend.
Revision Tests: A series of customized end-of-unit tests with answers and grade schemes to ensure that students grasp the material.
Teachers’ Notes: An overview of the unit with historical context. A synopsis of the unit, including historical context and introduction, and instructional points. Typical misunderstandings, key language/notation, essential concepts, and applications are provided.
NOTE: The Teaching Notes also mention whether certain topics are appropriate for Standard, Academic, Express, or Special groups.
Leveled Extra Exercises: complete with answers, textbook, and exam-type questions targeted for Standard/Academic and Express/Special groups
The Online math classes offered by Global Link Education come with multiple resources, materials, and video lectures. Before you begin, we strongly advise you to download some of the General material, Which provides an overview of the course’s operation and difficulty levels. Enjoy learning Maths!